Monday, April 1, 2019

Overcoming Obstacles in Our Lives

By Pam Durham
      C.A.R.E. Director

Jeanne walked into the group for the first time.  She came because someone reached out to her at church and invited her; she even asked if she could pick her up.  This lady was warm and felt safe.  But Jeanne didn’t want to make her go out of her way, so she drove herself. 
Jeanne doesn’t have many friends. She is a loner for the most part.  She has a few friends, but no one she considers close.   She feels judged; she doesn’t believe anyone really wants to get to know her nor does she want anyone to think she is trying to infringe on an existing friendship.  All her life, she has had to be on her own, never having anyone she felt she could trust except Jesus.  But she so desperately wanted to be accepted for who she was.
In a way, this is my story.  I’ve struggled with feeling rejected most of my life.  Many things play into this feeling…sexual abuse, unprotected childhood, feeling rejected by my mom, no good father image, and my strongest gift – prophet, telling the truth (sometimes to those who don’t want to receive it).

I’ve been a Christian since I was 16.  When I was 15 I went to my pastor and asked him for help to stop the sexual abuse.  He did help, he confronted my step-father who did stop.  For the first time in my life (since 1 year old) I was free from sexual abuse.  But not free from the damage.  I asked for forgiveness when I asked Christ into my heart, which he, of course, did.  But that also did not free me from the damage.  Fortunately, when I was about 25 I met with a Christian counselor and walked through a lot of the strongholds in my life.  Finally, freedom began.  Wow, what a weight that was lifted.  I could physically feel the difference.  I had a taste of freedom and have never stopped pursuing it. 

Strongholds are legal ground that has been given over to the enemy.  They begin by believing a lie. The lies feed a need for security and identity.  The lies are varied, designed for each of our weaknesses.  Some of the big ones are fear, lust, greed, bitterness, rebellion, etc. that create a spirit of independence.  We believe the Spirits of deception who are blocking us from hearing the truth.  Remember though, it began with us believing a lie.
As committed Christians who have a personal relationship with the Lord, we more easily will move through our strongholds.  BUT, we have to want to.  Many times God presents us with the truth, but we don’t want to hear it, or we don’t believe it, or we are afraid to move forward.  God is such a loving Father that he continually will bring us around to it again and again until we break it down.

One of the major areas that Satan wants us to stay in bondage to is rejection.  He knows if he can keep us believing that others don’t like us or that we are not as good as they are, etc., he can keep us from reaching our full potential for Christ.  My husband and I were in a situation where I had confronted a church board because they decided to do a 180 degree change on some things that affected us.  I was upset, but was careful not to make any personal comments toward them even though some of them were doing that to us.  I personally sought out each board member and asked for forgiveness if I had offended them.  They each assured me they were not offended.  But, one or two of them proceeded to spread rumors indicating their lack of forgiveness.  In a time of prayerful soul searching, I asked God why they were rejecting me.  I can still vividly hear his response, “They are not rejecting you, they are rejecting me through the truth you spoke.”  From that time on, my ability to be hurt or offended by someone’s rejection has been greatly diminished.

Another stronghold that Satan uses to great lengths is the lie of secrets.  He tries to tell us that if people knew our secrets, they wouldn’t want to be around us.  But secrets are one of Satan’s greatest tools against us.  He wants us to stay afraid and bound by them.  Once we have true freedom from rejection, we can also have freedom to share our secrets.  Now the rejection isn’t about you, but about them.  If someone rejects you for your honesty, they are struggling with their own secrets or with their concept of God and his forgiveness.

Once we learn how to tackle these areas, we are free to reach out to others.  We are free to be used by Jesus to meet someone else’s needs.

Some of the ways I have worked through these types of issues is through forgiveness.  Understand that forgiveness is a lesson in itself.  Also, through taking my thoughts captive and bringing them under the submission of the Lord.  Also, choosing to believe what God says about me – who I am in Christ.
Now, back to our introduction story.  When Jeanne arrived, what do you do?  What would you like to be able to do?  Is there something you need to be freed from that would hold you back from reaching out to Jeanne?  Pursue freedom and break those strongholds.

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